Hhhm, I just spotted this new Sonia Kashuk polish called Starry Night online and now I think I'm going to have to make a Target run after work to pick it up. From the pictures on Target's website, it looks really similar to Dior's Black Sequins polish, which I keep somehow missing and still have never seen in person. (I don't even know how that's possible, considering how much time I spend in Sephora). Also, Starry Night is only $4.99 and Black Sequins is over $20, so that's kind of a no-brainer. As many excuses as I can make for my product purchases, it's very hard for me to justify expensive nail polishes. Once it gets over $10 or so, I start to get this vaguely bad, isn't there some charity I should be donating this too feeling, so I try not to do it. But I've been coveting a black polish with silver glitter for a long time and since I generally like Sonia Kashuk products, this might be my inexpensive solution. It's raining in L.A. today though and since that always turns the already annoying traffic here into a travel disaster of epic proportions, it better be worth the trip. Starry Night, you have been warned...
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