I'm one of those minty toothpaste kind of girls. I was never really tempted to try any of those "new" flavors that have sprung up recently, like Vanilla. Toothpaste should be minty! Or at least, that's what I thought before trying GoSMILE's Lemonade Smile. When I was in NYC recently, I forgot to pack my toothbrush and toothpaste and (believe it or not) our hotel was out of them. Which is kind of against the hotel rules, but whatever. It had a pool in the lobby with a bar in it, so all was forgiven by the end of my stay. Being too lazy to go back out at midnight after a long flight, I did that whole brush-your-teeth-with-your-fingers-and-mouthwash thing, but it left my mouth tasting kinda funky. So the next day when I was given a sample of Lemonade Smile, I was about as happy as you'll ever see me over toothpaste. Still, I was prepared to hate it because of my previously mentioned bias against non-minty flavors. Here's the thing - if it tasted super strong, like sucking on a lemon, I probably would've. But it's nothing like that - it's a fresh taste with just a hint of lemon (which comes from lemon extract and essential oils of lemon), so it's actually really pleasant. Add this to the pile of products I never would've bought on my own, but will continue to buy now. (Although at $16 for 3.5 ounces, it is WAY more expensive than Crest). It also comes with whitening protection, and as a bonus, GoSMILE will donate 5% of sales to Autism Speaks. That alone should motivate you to try it. Hey, now that I'm thinking outside of the box toothpaste-wise, who votes that I try Ginger Cookie next?
Photo courtesy of GoSMILE
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