I am on the eternal search for a long lasting lip stain. (Don’t laugh - Indiana Jones had his quest, I have mine). I had high hopes for Eyeko’s version, but after trying it, I realized that sadly, my quest would continue.
These lip stain “pens” cost $15.50 and come in six different shades. I bought shade #2, which is supposed to be pink, but I found it to be much more of a red color on my lips. Now I like red lipstick as much as the next girl, but only when it’s what I signed up for.
The instructions are very specific – they say “Must be applied to clean, oil-free lips.” I know there are some strange beauty problems out there, but really, who has oily lips? Frankly, unless you’re sucking down a can of Pennzoil for lunch, this shouldn’t be an issue. And if it is, you have much bigger problems than finding a good lip stain. Go check out Web MD.
Putting all that aside, my main problem with this lip stain is that it made my lips drier than a night in Vegas. This is a problem with all lips stains, but I found this product even worse than the other ones I own, and that’s saying a lot. I had to reapply lip balm every ten minutes just to stop the chapping.
Although it lives up to its promise of being long-lasting, it’s also IMPOSSIBLE to get off. In fact, I tested it on my hand first and even after two showers and scrubbing it over the sink, I still can’t get the red mark off my hand. Yes, we all want our lip stains to stay put, but not for longer than one of Tori Spelling’s marriages. And God forbid you make a mistake when applying it on your lips because there’s no second chances. Don’t try this before a big date or you’ll end up having to explain why you look like Ronald McDonald.
You can find Eyeko products at Eyeko.com. It’s a Japanese company and they have some really cute, fun products that make it worth checking out, but in my opinion, the lip stains aren’t one of them.
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