I realize the title of this piece may sound like I'm exaggerating, but I promise I'm not. I'd seen the Salty Caramel Scented Candle at Bath and Body Works a few times, but somehow passed it up. Then this weekend I needed to buy something else to use a coupon, so I threw one in my bag and forgot about it until I got home. I lit the candle for the first time on Saturday and it was like hearing angels sing. (At least, I assume so. I've never actually heard an angel sing, but I assume it's life changing). It's described as "sweet cream and caramel sprinkled with glazed pecans" and if your mouth is watering at that, it should be. The candle smells amazing. Amazing! It instantly filled my living room with the Salty Caramel fragrance and while normally I only let a candle burn for about four hours at a time, I left this one on all day just because I couldn't bear to blow it out. I'm seriously obsessed and plan to go back and buy a few more of them as soon as I can run over to the mall again. (And lots of other people feel the same way I do, if the reviews on Bath and Body Works' website are any indiction. The largest size of the candle is actually out of stock at the moment, which I've never seen happen before). If you like sweet or dessert-scented candles, get yourself to a Bath and Body Works ASAP and check this one out. You'll thank me later.
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