So before I decided to get my mom a day out together instead of a gift, I did a lot of looking around for the perfect gift for her. She's a hard one to buy for and I wanted to pick up something special for her. One of my top choices was a gift set from Pacifica, mainly because I'm a huge Pacifica fan and I like to get my mom as excited about brands I love as I am. I got a chance to try out two of the different gift sets in my favorite two scents and for those of you who still have time to shop before you see your mom in person, they're great choices.
The Tuscan Wanderlust Gift Set is chock full of products in my all-time favorite Pacifica scent, Tuscan Blood Orange. All fans of orange-scented products need to pick this one up immediately because the fragrance is so, so great. It's so juicy and fresh and energizing - I love using it in the shower in the morning to get my day going. The gift set is a great value at $28 because you get over twice that in products - a Color Quench Natural Moisture Lip Tint in Blood Orange, a Body Butter, a Body Wash and a bottle of Spray Perfume. You can layer it all together to give yourself a scent that lasts all day. My mom actually was with me when I was playing around with the products and she immediately claimed the Body Butter as her own. (What could I say? It was almost Mother's Day!)
The other gift set I got my hands on is the Indian Coconut Nectar Wanderlust Collection. Indian Coconut Nectar is one Of Pacifica's newest scents and it's rapidly become one of my favorites. Using coconut products always instantly transports me to a tropical vacation instead of, you know, my same old bathroom in Los Angeles and this one smells fabulous, all exotic and delicious. It makes me seriously crave a big blended drink and a beach (and I don't even like the beach!) For $34, you get a Body Butter, a huge 17 ounce Body Wash and a Perfume Roll-On, which is perfect to slip into your purse when you're on the go. I particularly love them on days when I'm going straight from work to something fun and don't have time to stop home to respritz my earlier scent. My mom also grabbed the Body Butter from this set and made off with it because she couldn't resist this one either and I'm a bad daughter and wouldn't hand over the Body Wash (I know, I know, but I love it too much). Well, thanks to Pacifica, she'll definitely be well moisturized and smell fabulous. You're welcome, Dad!
Note: Samples of these products were sent to me by a PR representative working with Pacifica
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