There is no brand of fragrance that is my kryptonite more than CLEAN. I want every single one of their scents. And now they've come out with a whole bunch of new ones under the CLEAN Reserve name and I'm only allowing myself to buy one (AT MOST - I should really buy none because I have way, way too many perfumes, but I'm never gonna be able to do that so I feel like one is a good compromise). If (okay, when) I do buy that one, I think it's going to be the Rain scent. I picked up a sample of it yesterday and it's just so, so pretty. It's fresh and clean (obviously!) and just exactly the kind of scent I love. It's similar to the earlier Rain scent they released, but I think I actually like this one better. It's a little stronger and seems longer lasting, which is great because it's $90 (but for a 3.4 ounce bottle, so that's definitely not terrible). I also really like the Warm Cotton scent, but I still think I'd buy the Rain one first. (But if anyone's offering to gift me one...) Damn you, CLEAN!