I am totally not normally a funky color nail polish sorta girl. I mean, I have a ton of blues and greens and I like the way they look in the bottles a lot, but I'm usually pretty boring with my color choices. (On my hands, at least. On my feet, I tend to get funkier). But I feel like I've been in such a rut lately that I was dying to shake it up a little. So when I saw O.P.I.'s new Pineapples Have Peelings Too! polish at ULTA yesterday, I had to snatch it up. It's a yellow-gold shimmer with different color sparkles in it and it's completely different than any other shade in my vast, vast collection. I used it on my toes for the mani/pedi I got last night and it's super cute. There are definitely more sparkles on some toes and I wish my nail technician had managed to make those more even, but otherwise, it's sort of the perfect summer shade. (And I'm super pale, even in the L.A. summer, so I'm sure it would look even better on everyone who has darker skin than me, which is 99% of the population). I don't know if I'd ever be daring enough to try it on my hands, but I'm loving it as a pedicure shade. (And since it's not an actual glitter, I'll bet my nail technician next time will be super happy since getting glitter off toes is a nightmare. I always feel terrible when I do that to them). Also, how cute is the name of the shade? I've said it before, but I seriously want a job as the person who names beauty products. It's like, my true calling in life. Shoot me an e-mail, cosmetics companies!