You know what I hadn't thought about in years until tonight? Lip products that have both lipstick AND gloss in one wand. Those things were the bomb back in the day and I had totally forgotten they existed. And then I stumbled on a new version of them online from (of all brands) Ciate. Weird, right? And yet... I want both of the shades that they've released so far. It's just such a genius combination because if I'm wearing lipstick, I always want to be wearing gloss and vice versa, plus my bag is always SO heavy from the billion lip products I haul around with me, so this'll make me look good and save my back/shoulders from extra weight. Genius! Right now, the LIPS LOCKED TInt and Balm Lip Duo (that is a loooong name though) comes in two colors - In the 305 (berry) and SoBe (fuchsia) and they both look super pretty. But I feel like they need more shades - I'd definitely buy red and nude versions of this formula. I'm also glad that I stumbled on this today because I had no clue that Ciate made anything other than nail products and now I have even more stuff to add to my (constantly growing) wish list. Yay...?