Okay, I'm very intrigued by this new Chalkboard Manicure from Ciate. It could be really cool... or super ugly, and I can't decide if it's worth spending the $25 to decide which It is. Basically, you put on the matte black polish, then use the Chalk Pens to draw on your nails and create whatever kind of design you want. The Chalk Pens are water soluble, so you can easily wash the designs away until you get exactly what you want. Then you just seal it with the Mattnificent top coat to keep it until you're ready to take it off and do it all over again. It's a great idea and if I had more faith in my ability to draw designs that didn't look like a kindergartner did them, I'd probably rush out and buy it immediately, but I just don't know if I'm that talented at nail art. (Actually, I do know. I'm not). But still, it's such a cool idea that I really want someone to buy it for me so I can fool around with it guilt-free. Has anyone tried this yet? Was it worth the cash? Someone clue me in...