Well this is very exciting. I just peeked at a local MAC counter while on the east coast for a wedding and spotted MAC's new Russian Red Lipglass. It's part of the new Fashion Sets collection, which takes some of MAC's most popular shades and releases them in "sets" that contain a Lipstick, Lipglass and Nail Lacquer. Russian Red has long been one of my favorite red lipsticks (me and about a billion other people!) so I've been dying to get my hands on the Lipglass version of it. They were actually sold out of it at the counter I was at, so I played around with the sample and will just have to swing by another counter on my visit. I'm also dying to get all three of the products in the Spice shade because even though I rarely use lipliner, when I do use it, pretty much the only one I ever reach for is MAC's Spice shade, so to have a matching Lipglass and Lipstick and a bonus Nail Lacquer gets me very excited. Oh MAC, why must you always know exactly how to get me to hand over my debit card so quickly?!