As someone who loves everything CLEAN, I'm lusting after their new Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Cream. I use a lot of hand cream, but I have to admit, I'm not always careful to make sure that it's anti-bacterial, which is stupid because I live in a major city and touch ton of things on a daily basis. (Also, I have a touch of the hypochondriac in me. Not a lot, but during the whole Swine Flu epidemic, I was convinced I was coming down with it every time I coughed). I haven't seen this in person yet, so my only question is how I'm going to feel about an unscented CLEAN product (half of what I love about them is how great all their products smell!) Here's some info from CLEAN:
CLEAN ANTI-BACTERIAL MOISTURIZING HAND CREAM uses Benzethonium Chloride suspended in a layer of white wax, which bonds to the skin to form a protective barrier to prevent bacteria from transferring to and from skin even after contact for up to 4 hours. In addition to being a Triclosan and alcohol free, this hand sanitizer works double duty as a moisturizer, helping to keep skin healthy and hydrated for the ultimate fight against contamination.
I totally need a hand cream that keeps bacteria away for up to 4 hours after I put it on! Especially on days I go to the gym because seriously, how gross are those people who sweat all over the machines and then just get up and walk away? Party foul. I am so putting this in my basket the next time I'm at Sephora.