I love products that multi-task. There's something truly glorious about buying one thing and knowing that it can do so much for you. I guess it's like finding the perfect man who watches the Celtics game with you, does the laundry, and cooks a fantastic dinner, all the while listening to what you're saying (and I don't mean that annoying "uh huh" listening, I mean really listening). Anyway, when I discovered the Ecstasy Bath and Body Oil, I was in heaven. This wonderful product is a must have for everyone, and I'm not just saying that because it comes in the most beautiful bathroom-counter-worthy bottle with real flowers floating around in it. I say it's a must have because it really is a hard-working multi-tasker. I use it on damp skin to moisturize like nothing else. While it doesn't sink in immediately (whatever, stand around a bit) your skin will be left incredibly soft and will have a wonderful, sexy fruity (hmm, what an odd way for me to describe the scent, but you'll understand when you smell it) scent that lasts for hours. I also use it in my frizzy hair (helps to moisturize and gives my hair a sexy scent) and I love to put a bit in the bath to make my skin extra soft. I recently started putting it in a basin to soak my feet, which has proven better than other expensive foot treatments I've tried. It also makes a wonderful massage oil (if you can sucker someone into giving you one). I can't think of another product that has so many uses. And at $20.00, you'll have money left over to order in dinner so you don't have to eat that spaghetti dish your man likes to cook. Is it just my husband who cooks that?
Photo courtesy of Carol's Daughter