Some people pray for peace, some to end world hunger. All valid (and selfless) thoughts. But when I'm asking for things, inevitably, my wishes turn to something beauty related. And one of my most frequent wishes is that a scent I like will come out with multiple products so I can layer the smell. It may sound silly, but I hate it when I'm forced to use a shower gel with no matching lotion or vice versa. It throws my whole day into chaos. And for years, I've been using The Body Shop's Brazil Nut Body Scrub with no matching lotion in sight. But finally (finally!) my prayers have been answered and they've introduced the new Brazil Nut Whip Body Lotion. I love this scent. It's nutty and warm and comforting all at the same time, which isn't easy to achieve. The lotion is great - moisturizing, but not greasy, which would be a deal breaker, and at only $12, it's a bargain. Especially now, with The Body Shop's buy one, get one half off offer. Now if they could just come out with a Brazil Nut shower gel so the trifecta would be complete, I would really be a happy woman. I guess I'm just never satisfied, huh?