I’m a sucker for any product that smells like dessert. I admit it – if I can’t be sitting on my couch eating a piece of cake with buttercream frosting, the next best thing is having a product that makes me smell like I am.
One of my favorite companies for these kinds of products is Jaqua. Founded by two sisters, all of their products smell delicious. Right now, I’m obsessing over their Pink Buttercream Frosting Hand Crème.
I’m always on the lookout for a good hand crème, since your hands show age quickly. God knows, when I’m a grandma and using sixteen different products every day to look younger, the last thing I want is for my stupid hands to give me away.
At only $8 for a two ounce bottle, it’s small enough to throw in your bag and carry everywhere, which is perfect, because once you get a whiff of the creamy vanilla icing scent, you’re going to want to put it on constantly. It absorbs quickly, a huge plus, because if you’re one of those people who’s constantly running your hand through your hair (I know it’s an bad habit, Mom – I’m trying to stop, I swear), the last thing you want is your hand crème making it look like you haven’t shampooed for the past three days. And most importantly – it makes your hands soft (it’s always so nice when products actually do what they promise, isn’t it?)
Jacua products can be found on their website and at various other specialty stores around the country.